Minnedosa & District Cross Country Ski Club

The Minnedosa Cross Country Ski Club formed in November of 1992 by a group of local skiers interested in promoting the sport in the Minnedosa Area. Squirrel Hills ski trail development started in 1991 by local ski enthusiasts and the Minnedosa and District Wildlife Association. In 1992, club members constructed a warm-up hut on the Squirrel Hills trail.
Since inception, the club has acquired a snowmobile, track setter, and fully developed Squirrel Hills ski trail, which includes full signage and a warm-up hut. Members have donated over 2000 hours of volunteer labor to develop the facilities and raise funds to purchase the equipment. Past club activities have included ski and waxing clinics and cross country ski books have been donated to the Minnedosa Regional Library.
The club presently grooms Squirrel Hills, located one kilometre west of Highway #10 & P.R. #355 and the local golf course. Squirrel Hills is a sheltered scenic trail that winds through the hills west of Minnedosa. The trail is suited to skiers who have some experience as it has numerous hills. The local golf course is utilized by beginner to intermediate skiers. Due to its open nature, this trail is exposed to wind that is a challenge to keep a trail, and skiers must dress warm on cool windy days.
The Original Squirrel Hills X-C Ski & Hiking Trail is open to the public for bird watching, mountain biking, dog walking and hiking in the off season. Trails are tracked specifically for skiing in the snow season. The Squirrel Hills Recreation Area now has new trails provided by Valley Life Recreation for fat tire biking, snowshoeing, and hiking in the winter. Unauthorized motorized vehicles (ATV's, snowmobiles, 4x4's, etc) are not allowed on these trails at anytime.
Memberships Available and Donations accepted (Box 107, Minnedosa, MB). For more information, contact Tom Instance 204-867-3896 or
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